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  • Writer's pictureBEAR COOL HONEY COMPANY

Grow Your Own Ray Of Sunshine

While in the midst of lockdown, Vicar Lane have teamed up with us at Bear Cool , we’re optimistically anticipating the end of the COVID-19 crisis and want to create a little sunshine along the way. We are challenging little gardeners of Chesterfield to get your green fingers in gear and grow your own mini sunflowers! We’re suggesting you go for a dwarf variety, to make them easy to accommodate in even the smallest of gardens. We’d love to follow your sunflower’s journey, so why not share your pics online with #VicarLaneSunflowerStories #bees #bearcoolhoneycompany #sunflowers #community

Once we have the all clear for business as usual here at Vicar Lane we’ll get a date in the diary for all our mini-gardeners to bring their sunflowers down to the centre and create a sea of yellow here in St. James Square. We’ve chosen sunflowers, not only as a symbol of sunshine and happiness but for the endless ways they support our wildlife from the bees, while they are in flower, to the birds when the seeds are ripe!

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